Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Project

Sometimes I come up with new projects based on something I've seen, or something I bought.
This project is both, and my own ideas. It's just for the fun of it, and because I want to do it.

I have always enjoyed fairy-tales. From the beginning, when I was a little girl listening to the babysitter read to my brother and I, and now when I can research a bit into what I have read, and understand what else is
involved in the writing of the tale.
Being an artist, has brought many things to mind in a visual sense, even more then just listening to what is written. A writer plays with words, and an artist not only understands the words, but puts a visual spin on what is written.
So this project was born from a favorite fairy-tale, a box, and a visual spin on what was not written in the fairy-tale. And that is all I'm going to tell you for now. lol.
Can you guess which Fairy-tale?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The egg.

This is a little glass egg about 1" high, that I crocheted the cover for and added the decoration of flowers and ribbon bow. It is for an egg tree. Nothing like a little bit of crochet in tiny stitches.
And a black paw that helps hold things, and then disappears what he has ahold of. lol.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Inside the Wagon

I am not done yet but here are a couple of pictures of the inside and the coach lights now installed at the back of the wagon.
There is even a stove to heat and cook with. I just have to figure out what the end of the stove pipe will look like. lol.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I really didn't like the bright pinkish color, so I did a little finger painting. lol. Andthis is the results. I like it a lot better.
I will be adding the coach lights, and doing the inside. Next comes the built in bed, so I can hide the battery pack.
Not bad , and the rest will be just as much fun as this. What do you think?

Outside is Done!!

It has been awhile sense I started on my Gyspy wagon, but now I'm well on my way to finishing it.
The outside is done, and I shall be working on the inside now. I have to build the bed for the front end, then decide what goes where and what I will have to make .
So, here are the pictures of the outside. I used a wonderful combination of paint colors..... spring green, chocolate brown, desert pink, and copper. I love the way the copper makes the rest of it look. But see for yourself.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The gray's have it!

Well, it looks like the team of grays will be pulling the gyspy wagon. Now I have to change out the wagon tongue and traces. Add mane and tail to these guys, and make up a matched pair of harnesses. But in the long run it makes everything more in scale. 1/12th scale of course.
A lot to do in a short time. Watch and see what happens.