Thursday, November 19, 2015

Romeo,…. where For Art Thou Romeo?

For some time I've had a tall lantern case that I've wanted to make a miniature scene inside. But what?
Then It just kind of came to me, after I saw the Juliet balcony in a miniature store. The rest just kind of evolved like most of my ideas. Nothing would work but Romeo and Juliet. I did add a little something, which you will see and I hope get a chuckle out of.
  So here they are proclaiming their undying love for each other.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

At the Moment Sleep Claimed Her...

It has been awhile sense I have worked on another miniature scene. I think the last one was on the road to Morocco. However I love fairytales, and so when I saw this lantern, I envisioned this all most at once. It has taken me a bit to complete, but it has turned out just as I thought it should.
  This is Sleeping Beauty, at the moment sleep claimed her. Well a girl has to look good when Prince Charming arrives with that kiss. So this is what he will see upon entering her chamber.
  And she didn't age a bit.

Now where is that prince?